The mission for the Montgomery (AL) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated is to help to fill a void in the community through mentoring and by providing exposure and education, regarding different fields of study and lifelong goals; to assist participants in learning about their personal risks for heart disease and stroke and staying “heart healthy;” to increase awareness and knowledge of the warning signs for stroke, heart attack, cardiac arrest and related issues; to enlighten the community about the importance of organ donation; and to expose local school children to the concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) professions.
This integrated program includes four facets: Services to Youth, International Trends and Services, The Arts, and Health and Human Services.
The Services to Youth Facet focuses on educating youth regarding the risks of obesity. The chapter assists participants in engaging family members’ “buy-in” of the healthy eating concept.
Other program activities have included:
CSI & You—Services to Youth presented a forensic scientist, who is also a chapter member, engaged participants in STEAM careers.
Ebola Crisis–International Trends and Services presented a physician, a chapter member, to speak about the Ebola Crisis in Liberia and the devastating impact that the disease has not only on the African continent, but globally.
Vision Boards–The Arts Facet sparked the creativity of participants through the creation of individual boards that reflect their career aspirations. On February 21, 2015, participants will benefit from a “Healthy Heart” health fair. Participants will learn about their personal risks for heart disease and stroke while emphasizes three critical areas: Awareness, Screenings and Demonstrations
The Montgomery (AL) Chapter has collaborated with the following groups to make this program a success:
A.S.P.I.R.E. –The focus of the A.S.P.I.R.E. (Amazing Students Putting In Resilient Effort) program is to reduce the high school drop-out rate in the city of Montgomery. Current Alabama State University students mentor, tutor and counsel middle and high school students to help them become successful in the classroom and the community.
Alabama Department of Public Health –The mission of this state agency is to serve the people of Alabama by assuring conditions by which they can be healthy.
The YMCA of Greater Montgomery — The commitment of the local YMCA is to the improvement of our community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
This integrated program is a significant benefit to local school students and staff, as well as Link sisters participating in the program. For the past five years, this program has educated students on obesity and the importance of staying healthy. Through the years this program has developed into S.T.E.M. and then further to S.T.E.A.M. Each year of expansion has allowed students to further broaden their minds to the endless possibilities that await them if they stay focused, remain in school and make healthy choices that can translate into the transformation of lives and the development of careers.
Long and short term goals are being met by exposing students to the concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. They are continuously encouraged to consider alternative careers, consistently introduced to professionals in the S.T.E.A.M. professions, and repeatedly given opportunities to use art to communicate their goals. This integrated program includes: Service to Youth, International Trends and Services, The Arts and Health and Human Services. These facets collectively work to achieve improved academic, personal, and social skills for these students. The results are measured in increased academic scores, improved behavior and a better appreciation for career counseling as well as people of all cultures. The Montgomery (AL) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of students; together we create hope for the future.
Engage the participants by allowing them to participate in forensic activities; educate the participants on the Ebola crisis, a disease that has become a global epidemic; inspire participants by requiring them to think in a non-traditional manner and embrace their own dreams as they set goals for the future; and promote awareness and educate participants regarding health care issues.
AWARENESS of the STEAM Initiative has been accomplished via four methods:
- TABLES: Provide knowledge on the effect of tobacco and smoking on cardiovascular health, blood and bone marrow donations, diabetes, American Heart and Stroke Association, various representatives from the Alabama State Department of Public Health on wellness and control of stress factors; information on obtaining Obama Care; provision of ways to obtain prescription drugs free of cost.
- SPEAKERS: The Agenda has included the following: African-American female cardiologist to speak on cardiac arrests; The AMI (Acute Myocardial Infarction) coordinator from Jackson Hospital, the only hospital in state to get gold seal of approval for a higher standard of care from the National Joint Commission who accredits over 20,000 hospitals; A neurologist; Representatives from the Alabama Organ Center; A nutritionist; A weight management physician; Medics from The Montgomery Fire Department
- SCREENINGS: Screening allows participants to manage their risk factors. Screenings include: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood glucose, body mass index (BMI) and height and weight analysis.
- DEMONSTRATIONS: Demonstrations have included hands-on bystander CPR training, stress relief through upper body massages, LifeSouth Blood Donations and Bone Marrow awareness.